Category: Writing

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors

    I wrote a play some years ago, exploring the relationships and perspectives of three very different people, caught in wartime Afghanistan. At an early stage, my friend Michael Sanie expressed interest in writing an opera based on the play, and after several years of delays and struggles, here it is. The opera is in three…

  • The Art of Flows

    It’s been a busy few months in the publishing business: I’ve co-written a technical book with the founder of Runtime Design Automation, Andrea Casotto. This book explains the key issues associated with managing complex sequences of programs, required for software and semiconductor development (among other disciplines). Modern computational environments require hundreds or thousands of machines,…

  • Ollie’s New Beginning

    Finally, the book is published! You can get a copy by clicking here, or on the cover image. It’s published at, which offers print-on-demand services. You can also get an electronic copy here. The next step is to get the book into Barnes and Noble and the Amazon bookstore: hopefully you’ll soon be able…