Category: Design

  • More hi-fi – a remote controlled preamp

    More hi-fi – a remote controlled preamp

    Building and learning about electronics remains one of my favorite pastimes. When I can connect it to music, so much the better. I’m building a new preamp – this one with a microcontroller and a pile of digital hardware to provide remote control and switching. The best place for this kind of project is…

  • A new website for design

    As I’m coming to the end of my M.Arch, I’m ready to start doing design work. I’ve created a new website at which describes my design credentials. Because of this, I’ve moved my business / consulting website to — same information, new URL.

  • The Art of Flows

    It’s been a busy few months in the publishing business: I’ve co-written a technical book with the founder of Runtime Design Automation, Andrea Casotto. This book explains the key issues associated with managing complex sequences of programs, required for software and semiconductor development (among other disciplines). Modern computational environments require hundreds or thousands of machines,…

  • Some of my architectural studies…

    Digital morphology is the study of form using computer tools. We did a project last semester to explore the creation of new forms that might have architectural uses, with Autodesk’s 3dsMax software as the basic tool. My exploration started with the way sails move in a wind field as boats tack into the wind. The…

  • Architecture and me

    After many, many years away from architecture, I’ve enrolled at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco for a M.Arch degree, with the intention of practicing architecture in a couple of years. It’s a tough schedule, with classes three days a week and work two days a week, but it seems to be sustainable.…

  • Music for everyone

    TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design—it’s a community and a conference, held in Monterey each year. Their tag line is “ideas worth spreading”, and they publish videos of many of the short (under 20 minute) talks from the conference each year. This one is about music, and shows some work from MIT’s Media Lab…

  • Music is more than…

    I came across this (thanks, Stephanie!) this afternoon: it’s a group of people who get together to explore home-made musical instruments, many of them combinations of mechanical and electrical or electronic components. Some of them are played in conventional ways, some make music under computer control, and some combine multiple techniques.  What’s nice about this…

  • Home again

    We’re back from our whirlwind trip to Seattle. Today we went to the Boeing museum close to the Sea-Tac airport, which has an old Air Force One (707), and a BA Concorde. Also a great exhibition of first world war planes, the Blackbird, and a simulator that the boys enjoyed (twice!). Yesterday I met a…